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Shearer Hills/Ridgeview
San Antonio, TX, 78216
United States

(210) 896-1317

A therapeutic bodywork studio in San Antonio, Texas, Gabi Marcus Bodyworks combines massage, movement, and a little bit of magic to help you feel your best. We are located just off Jones-Maltsberger and 281, between the Alamo Quarry and North Star Mall.





Gabrielle Marcus

 A client came in distressed because she had gone to a new doctor with a very specific and unusual symptom and was told it was "age". The client suddenly saw a future in which all her health conditions are attributed to age. 

There were a lot of things this doctor did that were perfunctory; their attempt to write her problem off as age was probably symptomatic of their practice. And this may NEVER happen to you. But having a doctor call your problem "age" can be startling, and can render anyone briefly speechless. 

Age may be a factor, but it is not the diagnosis. Your doctor needs to articulate what exactly they suspect is happening.

If you've waited months for that appointment and are concerned about your condition, you may not be able to afford the time to get in with a new doc. So if the symptom is in only one region, ask why that area seems "older than the others" or why age is doing something to you that it's not doing to your other friends. This goes also for the "age-related changes" you get on an MRI. If they can't articulate it or you don't like their answer, please ask to be referred out. Age is just one dimension. You deserve someone who understands your body in all its dimensions.