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Shearer Hills/Ridgeview
San Antonio, TX, 78216
United States

(210) 896-1317

A therapeutic bodywork studio in San Antonio, Texas, Gabi Marcus Bodyworks combines massage, movement, and a little bit of magic to help you feel your best. We are located just off Jones-Maltsberger and 281, between the Alamo Quarry and North Star Mall.



Massage for Kids

Kids are GREAT candidates for massagE AND MOVEMENT THERAPY

Yes, I work with children! Depending on the issue, my work can be a speedy adjunct or alternative to traditional physical therapy. It can help kids feel stronger, perform better, and feel more at ease in their bodies.   

Alignment, performance, pain relief, AND STRESS RELIEF

Our bodies create more and less healthy compensations for many different kinds of activities, and every body is different. Depending on your child's unique history, their symptoms may range from mild tension to symptoms such as pain, headaches, and fear of or resistance to activities such as exercise, competition, and more. Thankfully, there is so much that can be done to help kids feel better and get back to doing what they love. 

FEwer sessions, faster results.

Children's sessions are usually shorter than adults. I usually recommend 30-45 minute sessions for kids--often a lot can be done in that time! Wondering if your child might benefit? Please call or text me at (210) 896-1317, or email